Homemade Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is really easy to make. Homemade mayo is very much creamier and tastier than those what you get from the store. 

Forget shop-bought, and make your own homemade mayonnaise. My recipe uses whole eggs instead of just the yolk which is used in the original french mayonnaise.

Main thing to remember while making mayonnaise is that it should not get hot. When it becomes hot the mayonnaise turns watery.


Eggs 4 
Garlic cloves 5 nos 
Salt 3/4 tsp 
Sugar 1 1/2 tsp 
Vinegar 6 tsp
Sunflower oil 2 cups


First put 4 eggs in the jar and then add 5 diced garlic cloves, 3/4 tsp salt, 1 1/2 tsp sugar, 6 tsp vinegar and blend it thoroughly.

Make sure to turn on and off the mixer in small intervals to prevent the mayonnaise from heating up. We can also use the pulse button to do the same.

Pour the oil steadily little by little until you get the right consistency. Once all the oil has been mixed in, the mayonnaise should be thick and fluffy.

Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Click here to watch the full recipe video..


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